We need to talk about UK Military Spending

In the middle of the pandemic we’ve seen:

A £24bn increase in military budget,
the largest % rise in almost 70 years

Nuclear weapons cap increased by 44%

Aid to the world’s poorest cut by 30%

A pay freeze for front-line workers

Time to change direction?

Latest news

Briefing on UK Military Expenditure

On the 11 February 2021, GCOMS UK organised this webinar ahead of the UK’s March Budget.

Speaker Notes:

Dr Kate Hudson – General Secretary of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

Dr Stuart Parkinson – Director Scientists for Global Responsibility

Deborah Burton – Director Tipping Point North South

Supporting organisations

The Global Campaign on Military Spending (GCOMS) is an international network of over 300 organisations, making the case for moving excessive military budgets to meet real human need. Here in the UK we are supported by over 30 organisations representing peace, development and faith communities.