If your church or faith community are meeting online, can you offer to host a discussion on military spending. Use our resources page to help you.
Capture your thoughts and share them widely:
Can you suggest prayers which draw attention to genuine human needs at this challenging time for humanity?
Together with your community, perhaps you can express your vision of what the world could look like, if people, the common good and our planet were our priorities? Then share your vision on social media!
GDAMS stall outside Euston Station, London
- Use this Resource for Churches to engage a congregation in reflecting on the scriptural/ and church teaching links with this topic of investment in life-giving projects in place of military projects.
You can use all of the ideas on the action pages to raise your concern as a community and bring this added dimension to your event / meeting / discussion.
Reproduce some of the quotations in a church or community newsletter or magazine
- What images, symbols and teachings about a peaceful, just world do our spiritual traditions give us? How might these be used to promote GDAMS?
- Arrange a meeting with your local Churches Together or Interfaith network where each tradition speaks of their teaching on war, the mis-use of resources and what true security means. Invite your local MP or Councillor along to share their perspective on the challenge to invest in local needs rather than on militarism.