
Vote for a Safer World: on-line survey open!

The on-line survey for 2017 is OPEN.  How would you spend £46 billion,  the annual UK military budget. Take part in the survey yourself and share with others! Plan now for a stall/action between 20 – 23 April and join with others around the world marking GCOMS 2017.  More ideas here 

U.S military spending on the rise!

US President Donald Trump is seeking to boost defence spending by 10% in his proposed budget plan for 2018. The blueprint will increase defence spending by $54bn (£43bn) but seeks to recoup that sum through deep cuts elsewhere, including to foreign aid. Mr Trump’s plan leaves large welfare programmes untouched, despite Republican calls for reform. …

Read moreU.S military spending on the rise!

New postcard for GCOMS 2017

Hot off the press – a new postcard for GDAMS 2017.  Use them to help spread the word or on stalls or at events between 20 – 23 April You can order copies from Pax Christi : orders@paxchristi.org.uk