
Peace Scholarships

Great idea from the peace movement in Aotearoa-New Zealand info on project here , to be launched on 10 December, Human Rights Day.   Maybe an idea to try out here in the UK?

GDAMS 2014 event in London

Today, the Global Day of Action on Military Spending (GDAMS), it was announced that world military expenditure totals $1.75 trillion. Members of the GDAMs UK Coalition gathered in  Central London on 14 April to symbolically redistribute the UK’s £38 billion military budget to government departments with greater needs. The UK has the 6th largest military budget in the world. The action …

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Take action to end the scandal of military spending

Last month, another £570 million of public money for upgrading the UK’s nuclear weapons was announced (£120 million to refuel a Trident sub; £150 million more to be spent on nuclear plants making the reactors; and £300 million to refurbish the submarine yard). Budget Day confirmed that when it comes to military spending, there’s no …

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£2.5 billion on fighter jets: a top priority?

The government plans to spend £2.5 billion on 14 fighter jets to fight unspecified ‘future threats’. Meanwhile public sector cuts continue to drive homelessness, hunger and inequality in the UK, and renewable energy is woefully underfunded. On 14 April take action with people around the world to say it’s time to shift priorities.

Austerity hypocrisy: military spending is spared the chop

The links between austerity and arms trade spending are complicated and – sadly – plentiful. The links were expanded on in the recent New Internationalist magazine’s July-August 2013 issue on debt. While bailout conditions impose austerity on debt-stricken southern European economies, demands to tighten the belt on military spending are not so vocal. According to a …

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