
Share these infographics from GCOMS. 

  • Use them to create a poster for your window
  • If you are a keyworker, put a poster in your workplace
  • Share the graphics on your social media and say what you think too

Arrange a watch party to see the film War School and use it to promote some discussion. The film is about militarism in schools. There is a new trailer with a link to the full film at

and the full film is here

Archive of Resources

 2018 GCOMS handbook – useful statistics, graphs etc that could be adapted for stalls and exhibitions

Promotion of GCOMS

A postcard for GDAMS 2017.

Human Security Workshop for school/young people.  Produced by Pax Christi

Arms to Renewables: what is the £37,000,000,000 currently spent on the military could be shifted to investment in renewable energy?  CAAT tell us how

Resources for Schools

Military Spending workshop  with support resources for workshop here (lesson 4).  Aimed at young people but could be used with all ages. Produced by Pax Christi

General Election Briefing 2015: with sections on military spending, Trident and the arms trade. Produced by Network of Christian Peace Organisations – many are GDAMS members

Order postcards and posters to help spread the word!

Three simple designs to put our message across

Pax Christi’s newsletter with lots of info, resources and ideas on the day of action

CAAT’s postcard comparing arms trade subsidy to NHS cuts

The First World War in Numbers – giving some of the economic/human ‘costs’ of that war

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