Campaigning resources

From 2017

  • A  postcard for GDAMS 2017.  Use them to help spread the word or on stalls or at events between 20 – 23 April.
  • Film from SIPRI: Climate Change, Peace & Security, August 2017
  • Powerful image to remind us how weapons are used.Helpful in making links with the man-made tragedies of South Sudan and Yemen where conflict plays major part in creating famine.

Support CAAT Campaign Stop Arming Saudi Arabia

  • Arms to Renewables: great visual  and action resource from CAAT .  Use on a stall, share the link with others…

Pie-chart of government spending for 2017-18 

Films & videos

  • Re-imagining security a Ted talk with Celia McKeon
  • Peace from a gender perspective.  Short film from SIPRI that teases out what security means for women
  • Military Expenditure.  Short film from SIPRI on value of monitoring military expenditure
  • Give Peace a Budget Film: Seven ways to spend $1.7 trillion. A Pax Christi film where a doctor, head teacher, politician, environmentalist, trades unionist, student, development worker outline how they would spend the military /Trident budget.  or you can order from Pax Christi for £5.

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