GCOMS on Warrior Nation Podcast

We were pleased to be asked to discuss the work of GCOMS UK on the Warrior Nation Podcast, produced by ForcesWatch one of our newest UK supporting organisations.

As the sentiment goes, there always seems to be money for warfare but never quite enough for welfare. So what’s the picture in the UK – that tiny collection of islands with its towering defence expenditure. In this episode, we’re joined by Matt Fawcett from the Global Campaign on Military Spending UK to discuss the dark economics of Britain’s war machine.

Matt talks about the troubling gaps between what Britain spends on its military and what it spends on climate mitigation or carbon reduction targets. Not to mention international aid budgets. He also adds the GCOMS take on NATO spending commitments and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, arguing against the dominant Atlanticist notion that Putin’s aggression is due to NATO underspending.

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