Introducing the new GCOMS UK Co-ordinator

Introducing Russell Whiting, the new GCOMS UK Co-ordinator.

I’m delighted to be taking up this role at what is such a crucial time for our campaign to divert money away from military spending into socially productive areas.

The climate crisis is raging around the world, and as leaders prepare to gather for the latest COP summit there is still no prospect of world militaries being held to account for their emissions. While at home we face crises in the NHS, with housing and funding infrastructure projects. All while spending billions of pounds a year on weapons. With a General Election fast approaching we have a chance to make our voices heard!

I have been working in the peace movement for nearly a decade, working for CND and Christian CND during that time. My passion for, and commitment to, the peace movement in the UK is what makes me excited about taking  on this new role.

I’m really looking forward to working with the diverse range of organisations supporting the work of GCOMS in the UK. The role they all play in this campaign makes me believe that we can see change.

I’m already working with the Steering Group to think about next years Days of Action, and how we can have the biggest impact possible. Watch this space for more news in the near future. In the meantime, get in touch if there is anything I can help with!