UK Military spending
UK Military spending is currently increasing at a faster rate than at any time since the Korean War. The Government’s recent Integrated Review paints a picture of Global Britain centred on power projection via military might, including dramatic increases in military spending. It also reverses decades of reductions in Britain’s nuclear weapons, which recently became illegal under international law.

UK Arms Trade
The UK is the 2nd largest arms dealer in the world. The arms industry receives direct tax-payer and ministerial support in dealing with some of the world’s most repressive regimes. Campaign Against Arm Trade has brought successful legal action against the UK Government for it’s role in the Saudi bombardment of the Yemen.

Opportunity Cost
While costs of military equipment spiral upwards we are failing to invest in the real threats facing the British public be that via pandemic or climate crisis. Military spending increases have been accompanied by unprecedented cuts in aid and for programmes to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change in the global south.

Human security
Much that is done in the name of ‘security’ is actually making us less safe. The disastrous foreign interventions as part of the ‘War on Terror’ have further increased resentments and fuelled conflict world wide. The call to reframe our ‘national security’ outlook to one based on ‘human security’ is gaining pace.