15 April – Join us for a creative action on the Global Day of Action on Military Spending

In a street theatre stunt, we take the message to Parliament that the billions spend on weapons and military can be better used on education, health, and development. There are better things to spend £39 billion on!

Gather at 9.00am in Old Palace Yard and help swell numbers, give out leaflets, hear messages of support, and take part in the theatre stunt.

Mobilise your peace/development/environment/church/student network now. The day is supported by 39 organisations – speaking with one voice: Cut military spending!

This is part of a global day – with actions taking place around the world.

Contact: Anne-Marie at CAAT if you plan to come!

Help spread the word! Please share this on Facebook/Twitter!

Can you help make the props for the action?

Join us in Finsbury Park on Thursday 4th April at 6.30pm to get creative as we make the props for the action outside parliament! Contact us for more details.